Implant crown

Restore Functionality with Dental Implants

Conventional bridges and dentures can help you maintain facial structure and oral health, but they’re not the only solution to consider. Dental implants are a popular and effective alternative.

With dental implantsDr. Friedman and Dr. Tina Beck, a local periodontist, can help you fill the gaps in your smile and enjoy natural functionality again. That’s because dental implants replace more than just your missing teeth, they also replace your missing tooth roots.

Your tooth roots are important for two reasons. First, they anchor your teeth to your jaw, providing you with a strong, stable bite. Second, they promote the growth of new bone tissue in the jaw so that your jaw stays strong throughout your life.

Conventional restorative services replace your missing teeth, but not your roots. Dental implants, on the other hand, replace both.

But are dental implants right for you? To find out, call Mod Squad Dental today to reserve a consultation appointment with our team. During your appointment, Dr. Friedman will measure the bone density of your jaw to see if you can support one or more implants.

If you aren’t currently a candidate, it may be possible to become one. Otherwise, our San Diego team can recommend one or more alternatives to help you replace what you’ve lost and enjoy better oral health.

We look forward to helping you.

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